

Description: This is Karina w/Kaya: the MODELGirls (we Like models)! Our 700-member Game Club gets few Great items to List here 100% for eBay Game-Charity! WELCOME friends to your Club! We have these few NEW GW individual Unassembled and Unpainted NEW model sprue parts/custom kits to Ship you FAST: [-Few of these -so GRAB yours FAST!!]CWARHAMMER QUEST/AGE of SIGMAR:CURSED CITY: Individual MODELs! Complete MODEL Part Kits! -for Your OWN Individual CURSED CITY custom Models! -NEWEST Sculpts from Games Workshop Makes your own specific GW MODELS to Customize, Mod and use in ANY Tabletop War-game: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Quest - or 40K as well! ULTRA-LOW DISCOUNT Lot - To whoever is LUCKY enough to 'SEE' and Grab it here First!! ;) -Don't forget: we ship you Super-FAST w/Expedited Shipping. [Images Customized and All photos for modeling-customizing-painting reference only. These are each no box unassembled and unpainted model part kits and 1 Citadel Base to make the individual model shown.] Description: Captain EMELDA BRASKOV" was the sole survivor of an army destroyed by Radukar and his undead forces. She has steeled herself and committed every fiber of her existence to the destruction of “the Wolf”. A powerful feminine heroine, this sculpt would make a perfect battle sister, cannoness, sister of silence--or a high inquisitors of the Ordo Mallerus. Emelda is Heavily armored in a suit of full plate—certainly forged of a Nearly impervious super alloy. Over her shoulders she bears the pelt and head of a massive avian predator. Some say this was her Giant eagle war-Mount that fell in battle against evil forces. The hide and thick feathers of the Giant Raptor certainly keep the warrior warm and protected from the elements – but they may also endow her with various magical protections. The warrioress Bears a magical hand-and-a-half bastard sword, endowed with various supernatural properties – including an edge which severs virtually any known material. Finally, the battle-maiden’s armaments are completed by a long throwing Dirk/combat dagger In a discreet sheath on her right hip. This maiden of death can hurl the blade to dispatch enemies as they charge toward her, or draw it as a secondary weapon to fight with a weapon in each hand as she may choose. Dagnai Holdenstock is a Trade-Commodore and Dwarven Soldier-of-fortune. A member of the Kharadron Overlords - Dagnai seeks wealth and adventure. He is stocked with the finest dwarf in forged armor, weaponry and equipment that his vast wealth can buy. This unique model works in any army that has squats, dwarves, or overlords. Glaurio ven Alten III is the heir and last surviving member of His ancient family’s powerful dynasty. Trained from his earliest youth by the finest Marshall experts money could buy, Glaurio is a dead a marksman, unparalleled swordsman--and unwavering duelist who has never lost a single combat! This dashing figure would make an exceptional High Inquisitor-Lord of any Order you may choose. He would also make an exceptional warlord of the Astra Militarum in charge of an imperial militia from a far flung ancient world - or find example of a “regimental advisor“ serving in the Emperor’s vast forces. These Dynamic models can be used in any war game is part of almost any army. They can function as vampires of course, ghouls or other sentient undead. They may be mutants – transformed with superhuman abilities into Perfect killers. They could function in 40K as assassins With some slight customizing—or work equally well in any Chaos Daemons army! Of course they were perfectly well as agents of slaves to darkness or in any vampire army you choose! Torgillius the Chamberlain is a powerful necromantic sorcerer of Ulfenkarn. Having delved deeply into the mysteries of the Hidden power between life and death--this is scholar of Bartowmark became an expert without Pierre--and functions now has the high vizier of the Blood Court of Ulfenkarn - and Sage to King Radukar himself. This fascinating figure conserve as a psyker, Sorceror or mage In virtually any tabletop Board game you choose. Captain Oleksandr Halgrim was the leader of the City Watch - and betrayed his office by siding with Radukar And imprisoning most of the high nobles and lords. Ultimately killed for his crimes, he was raised from death through esoteric necromantic rituals - and now leads the Undead Army of Ulfenkarn against all living foes. Now the deathless Captain is empowered by dark magics that render him immune to almost all conventional harm, an immortal Revenant who leads an army of skeletal zombie warriors! Halgrim’s model Takes a wide stance as he surveys the field of battle before him. He is one of the most heavily armed and Armored figures in the conflict, wearing heavy riveted plate armor over an underlying suit of thick scale mail. He wheels in array of deadly weapons, including a large hand and a half Saber Quite akin in size to a full scimitar. Bearing no shield, this undead commander also bears in his other hand a 10 foot long halberd acts – spear for skewering enemies at a distance. On his hip he wears a hold out short sword/long dagger--which the battle captain Will often used as a thrown dirk to dispatch foes over an impressive distance. The Watch Captain model makes an excellent leader/character figure for any supernatural army of skeletal warriors, zombies, undead – –Anything you can imagine! The undead commander is a tall and striking figure, standing nigh-7-foot tall in life - he wheels his potent array of melee weapons with the same reach and leverage she possessed in mortal life, I will be at now charged with supernatural strength. Gorslav the Gravekeeper tends the Corpse-Gardens of Ulfenkarn - a miasmic field of dark sorcery in which many still living beings are “buried alive” - to transform them into a deathless state of servitude. Part Vampier, Part Zombie, Part necromancer - this tall and gaunt being haunts the living and the dead - and serves to supply an unending army to his liege lord Radukar. The impressive model of Gorslav makes for a fearsome vampire lord, zombie king – – or any other undead ruler/leader. Model of course can be used for virtually any war game, particularly those with an undead supernatural theme. Likewise, this figure could be painted or customized as some type of superhuman mutant, or humanoid alien—whatever you can imagine and create is possible! Cleona Zeitengale has formidable psychic powers as well as mystically enhanced war gear that makes her a dangerous operative. Use this fantastic figure as a regimental advisor, sanctioned Psyker, or even an imperial navigator. Likewise, she makes a perfect Battle Sister or Sister of Silence. Octren Glimscry Is a powerful and ancient sorcerer delving into the studies of life, death – and the supernatural forces that connect them. This enigmatic figure conserve as a regimental advisor, sanctions psyker, rogue psyker, sorcerer, or chaos cultist. Brutogg Corpse-Eater is an Ogor Warrior with exceptional faculties and training. He wears archaic looking armor--which is made of the strongest composite metal alloys and proof against virtually any physical attack. His weaponry looks equally baroque – but is likewise formidable. The Ogre-Lord Where is a panoply of Thick and heavy armor pieces: a thick ‘Kingsmaille’ hauberk over layers of steel Brigantine plate armor. Combined with a massive spike shoulder paltering, thick riveted steel helmet, hide and fur grieves reinforced with steel kneepads – the model is complete with wrapped bands of heavy hide steel studded leather forearm guards. The mighty Abhumanthere’s two weapons, one in each hand: an immense spiked mace that few men could lift let alone swing, and a custom Kayak-Steel knuckles complete with vertical stabbing spikes and a hooked blade the length of a normal short sword! On his waist he carries an additional large cutlass--which the giant brute uses as a simple slashing sword. His arguments are complete with a straight short sword that the hulking brute uses as a hold out stabbing dagger--which also functions as a throne weapon but the Man-Monster Can hurl with remarkable force! Use this model as a massive ogre bodyguard, Ogryn, Ogor - Or in any other force requiring a giant-sized humanoid myrmidon! Jelsen Darrock is a famed-and-feared Witch hunter. He tirelessly slays ghosts and cultists alike in his relentless mission against the forces of chaos wherever they may appear. This highly detailed figure is fully loaded With a diverse array of baroque weaponry – which belies the incredible power of his armaments! This amazing model can be used as a High Inquisitor Lord, possibly of the Ordo Hereticus - Or any other inquisitorial order you choose. In his left hand he carries a heavy hammer/pick - Probably made of some supernatural metal alloy and/or powered by sublime energies, allowing it to Rend even The heaviest armor or defenses with supernatural is. His firearm is Likewise an elaborate ranged weapon—and few who have seen its incredible power have lived to tell what manner of energies emit from its barrel. The figure bears all the trappings of the inquisitorial orders. The hunter wears a heavy long coat – – quite predictively made of a resilient fireproof/ballistic cloth. Underneath the coat elements of full plate armor of super alloys are seen, including shinguards and greaves. The upper torso is equally well protected with hyper alloy care of his plate including heavy steel shoulder pauldrons And a high guard it to protect the neck. The hat is a cleverly designed helmet with riveted steel visible in the front icongraphy. The models armaments certainly do not stop there. In addition to the pink hammer and energy – firearm, the rifle is actually a Combi weapon with a potent “stake thrower” Beneath the main barrel. The rifle is designed to hurl one of these heavy wooden stakes and blistering speed to impale any living/on living creature at a significant range. On the witch hunters hip is also the scabbard of a demon slaying sword, As well as a number of other items, weapons and equipment used in the pursuit of ghosts, demons, cultists and creatures of the supernatural. Qulathis the Exile as soon as a dynamic pose, firing an arrow from an elaborate bow--while leaping out of harms way. This Wood Elf model will make an exciting addition to any war game involving elves, Eldar, and/or middle-earth. A mystic bow, supernatural arrows—and superhuman Elvish capabilities make this figure a formidable option for any army or war game. RADUKAR is an Ancient Vampire-Lord of incredible power and cunning. This self-styled ‘Vampire-King’ is the absolute ruler of Ulfenkarn - and ferocious commander of its ‘undying’ Legion. Known as “The Wolf”, Radukar has an infernal Connection with the feral creatures of the night, and the Wolves and giant Bats of the northern wastes do his every bidding. The wolf also has limited shape changing capabilities, and can assume a feral Man-Beast form When enraged to vicious battle. This exceptional sculpture can be used for all manner of characters or creatures. It makes A large and menacing Gangrel vampire--but functions just as well as a Wolf-Man hero or Lupine-creature. You may Customize this fine Model as your own “Wolf Lord” In games of 40K - or perhaps even a Wulfen pack-leader. VRYKOS, Blood-born we’re once the Nobles and Princes of Ulfenkarn - transformed by Radukar into the Elite Vampires of his ‘Blood Court’. These once High Lords war of the finest humans stock - and endowed with the strongest blood power from the ancient vampire king himself. Thus: they are more cunning, faster, and far stronger than standard vampires - and often function as expert Assassins against any and all enemies of their powerful liege. Kosargi Nightguard are the Ogor (Ogryn) bodyguards to Radukar the Wolf himself. Over Twice the height of a man - Ogres are Thickly built and heavily muscled, with inhuman strength and resilience. Some have been enhanced even further with dark sorceries being transformed into Nigh-deathless warriors of Ulfenkarn. These New Ogre-sculpts make an exciting addition to any Orrin, Pgryn, Ogor force you may wish to play: regardless what game or army you are integrating them into. Dressed in traditional warrior garb of the icy steppes - these powerful warriors our cloaked in long coats of heavy leather pelts and fur-lined helmets. The massive bodyguard wields a heavy two-handed halberd-axe - which will easily cleave any living opponent in twain with a single swipe. ULFENWATCH are the Undead Army of Ulfenkarn - and even more formidable in Death than they ever were in life. Raised from death by potent and unholy sorceries - these Skeletal Zombies are virtually immune to most harms that would kill a 'living' being. Skewering, impaline, 'disemblowling' has no real effect, save perhaps slowing the bone-and-ligaments down momentarily. Slashing or hacking does little as well - but may 'chip' away un-needed bits of rib! Bludeoning or bashing can, eventually, wear-down the sorcerous form - but it will slowly reconstitute small bits, and large pieces hacked off will often 'crawl' on their own back to the desiccated corpus - and re-attach in place. Needless to say, fire, poisons, gases or caustic attacks do little to hard supernatural bone forms. Pain does not exist for the never-dying. Moreover, the Warriors wear sturdy layered Armour that they had in life: Strong Steel Plate armour overlapping thick Metal Scale-Mail. Even the helmets are solid steel alloy! The armaments of the deathless are exactly what was used in life: the finest spears and swords the City could provide, albeit slightly corroded from their time in the ground. These edges seem endowed with an un-natural edge nonetheless. Large curved Scimtars and Cutlasses, as well as stout Spears for throwing, defending or charging. Of course, these implements are thrust with a force beyond what mere muscle could provide, and Skeletal beings are fond of simply Tearing out the flesh of living foes with supernaturally hard Bone Fingers and Hands - far more deadly than the mere Claws of any flesh-and-blood creature. Use these frightening figures for Any army you desire: Army of the Dead, Skeletal Warriors, Zombies - whatever you can imagine, mod and paint to your own desire! The venerated ULFENWATCH BANNER-BEARER signifies one of your most experienced and capable veteran fighters. Of course, now that mighty Watchmaster is in an eternal state of undying - and far more formidable and fearsome for his transformation. The once-mighty warrior bears the armaments he held in life: a deadly Footman’s Lance/Warspear - now holding a battle banner lashed towards far end. At his hip is sheathed a razor sharp scimitar--still capable of decapitating any foe. The remnants of the warrior's great platemail armor, helmet, Cape and surcoat still adorn his fleshless form of bone - yet rendering additional protection to a bloodless body, that is all-but-invulnerable from physical attacks. The war veteran bears new shield, as his skill with his sword and Lance is all but equal In protective value to a warrior of that skill and experience. Use this Great Figure As your foremost warrior, battle leader, watch master or sergeant. He could even be your skeleton armies warlord for that matter. If a banner is not needed, it can easily be snipped off so the Warriors armed with a lance or spear, in addition to his curve broadsword. The ULFENWATCH CHAMPION-Swordmaster was is a profoundly gifted Warrior - in life. He was adorned with the finest full plate armor and shield - and his Large Cutlass was a master forged blade of exceptional sharpness. As part of his elaborate panoply - his Great Helm incorporated a full steel Face mask, greaves and vambraces of exquisite craftsmanship and function. Now in his deathless state - the Melee-Maestro still keeps his tattered wargear. His great Scimtar is jagged and tainted by necromantic power--and yet holds an edge that is supernaturally more keen than when it was first made new! His heavy Breast plate and Paudrons I’m still worn over a full under armor scale mail, and the remnants of his surcoat still on furlough tattered around his osseous form. The metal scale extends from his full helmet and mask providing an additional layered gorget - And he still bears in part the mighty grieve and vambrace-buckler On his infernally agile swordarm. These pieces are still intact—attribute to his mastery of pairing skills – – even now in his immortal undead form. Use this exceptional skeletal warrior figure in your Soulbight Gravelords Army - outlet Any other Army or war game you choose! Customize, model and paint your figure with the rotted flesh over the bones to create a zombie warrior, or mod in any other way to create any kind of model needed! This Never dying warrior is equipped with his large curved sword, find round metal shot shield, and full plate armor over scale-Mail – perfect for any fantasy war games of any kind! The ULFENWATCH Warrior with SWORD Is among most skilled combatants in his squad or company. Rather than multipurpose spear, this more agile Fighter equips a deadly cutlass for more up close and personal combat, most likely against multiple opponents. This gifted swordsman could be his companies “champion“ - Or simply one of the more exceptional fighters in the squad. Like his rank and file brethren, he wears the remnants of his squad’s armor and shield - as well as a sturdy Helmet. The ULFENWATCH Warrior with SPEAR equips the most efficient and effective combination of weaponry and equipment. His Footman’s Lance is a Potent weapon for clothes fighting or when creating battle lines with the ranks of warriors supporting one another. When used properly, squad of Spearman create a bristling wall of death that is both defensive and viciously offenses against all foes. In addition to their platemaille armor, each Spearman utilizes a full round shield for defense, although in close quarters bashing in battering with the edge of the shield can be equally lethal. Together, and these well trained troops form a veritable wall of Metal protection around them – while impaling and disemboweling enemies with relentless thrusts of spearpoints! In some engagements, the spears can be thrown at an opposing force, often thinning out the enemy before closing ranks for melee combat. When hurling a barrage in this way, and the Warriors We lose their primary weapon – – until they close with the enemy to charge with their shields and retrieve their javelins from their dead or dying Adversaries. Like any well equipped and well trained soldier, these skeletal warriors will always carry at least a hold out dirk or dagger in the folds of their ragged surcoats. Of course, undead Skeletons we’re just as fond Of tearing their opposition apart with their bony-clawed fingertips, as they are using conventional implements. Deadwalker ZOMBIES Represent all manner of undead, reanimated or a viralized thralls. Many are used as rank-and-file troops--risen from the dead or transformed for the purpose. They’re on living state infuse them with a certain invulnerability to conventional harm--as well as the ability to engage in vicious hand to hand attacks with their Natural/unnatural fingers, nails, hands, teeth - or any other implements or weapons they may have picked up along the way. ZOMBIES Can be used in any army for virtually any purpose. They can be human beings transformed into obedience roles with chemical of psychological conditioning. They may be once living beings transformed with super science or sorcery: viruses, infections, parks, strange bacteria – – possibly even nanotechnology! Poor, it could be classic “undead“ – transform in some process of mystical contagion; or simply raised from death through some ancient necromantic ritual. The choices are endless of the applications. Utilize these great models for undead warriors, pox warriors, infected minions - even ‘genestealer human-hybrids’! NOTE: These particular zone remodels are a fantastic choice for customizing in modding - as each human scale sized throw also has various cemetery icons and grave markers attached to their backs! Keep them so indentured, or simply separate/remove these additional pieces – – and use them for scenery, markers – – or any other type of separate “Model“ you choose. All you need is a spare additional base or something comparable to mount it on—and you get a second mini-terrain model with each Zombies select. Zombies of course are selected at random, so by one or by several to create your own individual masterpiece or squad of dead walkers! Feral and Supernatural BAT SWARMS haunt many fantastical landscapes and battlefields. Such denizens of darkness range in size from the size of small dogs - To nearly the size of an adult human being. Clawed talons and razor sharp fangs—carried aloft on strong membranes of Leather, bone and sinew - these feral flyers are often carriers of virulent diseases. Even the ‘natural’ Forms of these creatures have borderline paranormal abilities: still flight, radar/echo location and impossibly a cute senses make him deadly predators. Of course, far too many Bat Swarm are comprised of bizarre species created by sorcerous or technological manipulation. Such aeronautic Beasts can Grow to frightening sizes--as well as move at speeds impossible for Normal animals. These hot blooded mammals also have preternatural healing abilities. Most dangerous of all types: the shape-changing vampire bats--an alternate form of a powerful undead being who can transform himself into a single GIANT BAT - Or even a full swarm of the smaller creatures. Even if these flying packs are not 'vampires' themselves, they are often Controller by a Mighty supernatural immortal nearby. A GIANT BAT with Minions is a massive mutant of his strange nocturnal species! With his huge wings unfurled, this creature has a surface area larger than a full grown man. He is also accompanied by two of his faithful minions (they may be ‘children’). This immense man-sized flying predator is very likely an immortal vampire lord, transformed into his Man-Bat shape! 5 Large BATS May be on a hunting mission for their hive – or scouting at behest of their (in)-human master. Far larger and more intelligent than any normal species, these creatures are most certainly supernatural in origin--thralls of some sorcerer or powerful undead. Deadly alone, each flying predator is the size of a small to medium dog—with Fangs and Talons that are far more deadly – especially when pouncing silently from darkness! BAT SWARM: 7 medium BATS. This is the squadron of numerous fanged flyers - extremely dangerous and disconcerting when they swarm about their prey. Most creatures panic – overwhelmed with fear and confusion at the onslaught of their coordinated aerial assault. Slashes, shrieks, bites infected with tainted saliva, piercing sonics, gouges and torn flesh quickly overtake a victim, as the obscuring cloud of movement and lacerations bleed the target dry in minutes. Even the most experienced warrior is hard-pressed to stand against the insidious aerial barrage that these instinctive predators unleash upon their prey. CORPSE RAT SWARMS are packs of ravenous and relentless vermin capable of overtaking larger beings in a skittering stampede of carnivorous hunger! These semi-intelligent clans of Rodentia can often outthink a human being when it comes to their survival. For hundreds of thousands of years these tribal parasites have lived side-by-side in the shadow of humanity, learning, emulating and undermining. Rats swarms are often plagued by their own pestilence and disease – injurious to them, but far more deadly to their human counterparts. These particularly large rats are unique breed—often supernatural in origin. The plague they carry may be mundane, but is likely as not Mystical and sorcerous in origin. Indeed: many such colonies are actually undead hives of quasi-sentient vermin - under the control of a dark chaos Lord or Vampire… Many RAT SWARMS are simply Large numbers of particularly ravenous rodents. Vicious, disease carrying and/or possibly in a semi dead/undead state due to a plague or necromantic powers. Some rats swarms Cannibalize Human Beings - as evidence from human bones or even a SKULL picked clean in there area. Alas, an unlucky interloper may come across a dreaded GIANT RAT - The size of a Full grown dog. This monstrosity may be a mutant of its kind, or maybe endowed with mystical powers acting as a familiar to a sorceror. Alas: certain vampires and shapechangers can actually assume the form of a “swarm of rats”, just as they can bats. Thus, those Who Hear skittering in dark alleys or lonely places at night—must be extremely wary. A GNAWBONE STRAY Is a huge feral feline familiar Of some dark sorcerer, necromancer or undead lord. Such creatures are often referred to as ZOMBIE CATS - As these bloated monstrosities are usually raised from the dead in some necromantic ritual. They are the eyes, ears, creepying claws and servants of powerful masters somewhere nearby. Such creatures may also be natural animals, modified and mutated by strange nanotechnology or plagues—or possibly infected by a zombie virus or some type of animal vampirism. Use one or several of these fantastically horrific models to act as fighting beasts, stealthy scouts - or Added to another model as a personal pet. The DIREGOYLE is an animated Golem - a Homunculus summoned or created by strange science or magics. Some of these small humanoid creatures are actually minor Daemons with wings, horns and fangs, as well as access to various infernal and supernatural powers. Referred to as Imps or Quasits, they can act as minions themselves: small flying troops often capable of casting modest spells, and harrying and haranguing opponents from the air. Use this Exceptional sculpt for any type of small winged humanoid minion or trooper. This could be a genetically engineered science experiment: a form of organic cyber skull - or it could be a functional automaton taking the form of a flying demon. Mount it on its own base as your own servant or small shocktrooper--or added to an existing model to denote additional powers and abilities. GRAVESTONES are cemetery markers usable is minor terrain features or basing details for another model. They make for a wonderful enhancements to any existing mini diorama, and can certainly be used to enhance the Presentation of another figure. They can also be used as various battlefield markers—or components can be added to it to create a supernatural or horrific feel to the overall miniature. The HANGING SKELETON Is a multipurpose sculpture useful for mini modifying and decorative applications. Of course: this fine piece of art makes an exceptional Objective Marker in any game on any battlefield! A humanoid corpse picked clean of flesh – hanging with a new surround its neck from a makeshift gallows. This makes a wonderful terrain or diorama component – – but is also perfect for modifying and customizing. The complete humanoid skeleton can easily be removed from the rope noose, and modeled as its own undead skeleton trooper - or perhaps even an ancient battlefield casualty! The gallows, rope and bass can be used to likewise ‘hang’ Any other model or figure you choose. Many possibilities and options with this wonderful component. - The HOODED SKELETON TORSO part makes a wonderful addition to customize any terrain – or exceptional decoration on the base of any other model. This is a semicomplete skeleton, its head covered by hood – – that has apparently had his legs/hips severed! Certainly, a clever modeler might mount this Against or near a “gravestone” (take it off the back of any of the zombie models) - To create a skeleton/zombie crawling out of the dirt to attack an opponent. Any option you can imagine can be created with this interesting model part (it can also be swapped out for the torso skull and arms of the “hanging skeleton model“ for a different effect and variety). RAVEN with Key is a foreboding omen. This Bird model may represent the familiar or trained servant of some animal handler or wizard, or it may simply be an objective marker itself. Customize this useful piece to add a “bird“ to your model, such as a pirate with a parrot on his shoulder, or a warrior with a predatory bird! Countless options are available. Your NEW GW no box Model frame parts will create any fierce Warrior you can imagine for your own mini-masterpiece! Here is exactly what you need for your games of Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Quest or even Warhammer 40,000! Enjoy friends!! 😉 NO ONE has a better price anywhere! Plus: we are Not a 'business' - just a group of Game Club members like you doing this to help each other out with needed savings. AND: any proceeds go DIRECT to EBay Charities!! :) -You can SEE from our Feedback - we do GREAT Service and the BEST deal anywhere - but we only get a few allotted for You our members so GRAB yours Fast! SHIPPING-&-HANDLING FEES: This is for SMART buyers, so: WE SHIP SMART, FAST and a Cheap as possible - unless you request/Buy UPGRADED Shipping, Service and Packaging options!! S-&-H” cost is ACCURATE - AND OUR TOTAL PRICE IS STILL MUCH LESS THAN MOST ANY OTHER SELLER! Cost of packaging material (Tape: $2.95; Mailers: $2.49+Travel to Ship; Gas, Car/Van use, computer use and Internet provider, DATA, Labels and PRINTER INK + VERY HIGH EBAY Listing FEES and 'Final Selling Fees' (up to 20% on some Auctions!!); Plus: 3%+ PayPal FEES, POSTAGE, FED EX, USPS & SHIPPING boxes, trash-pick-up - SOOO much stuff!! We hope you all get it! If you order multiples as we Upgrade you to better service to the Front of the shipping Queue (and any extra goes DIRECT to eBay charities). - PLEASE: donate an extra 97-cents+ for FASTER SHIPPING SERVICE (below). You are SAVING SOO MUCH - why not let eBay Charities have 97-cents to get it FASTER! ;) NO RE-SELLERS: as a non-profit club of volunteers, a LOT of for-profit-only 'businesses' work against us here - even though eBay is supposed to be People like us - and we work for eBay Charities!?! :0 DON'T try to get our limited products to re-sell to others. Don't buy id you 'sell' these items yourself. The ONLY rude-feedback we ever have gotten is from Re-Sellers trying to sabotage us. PLEASE DON'T ASK for even cheaper shipping than we already do -when we are the LOWEST Total price already! PLEASE: ONLY get our Auctions if you Want to be in the Club and do something for Charity. Really -we never get enough product for the good members who need it -so Buy elsewhere if you don't support our eBay Gaming-Charity Works. :) SMART PACKAGING: Cheapest price means low cost - not 'fancy'. Rarely someone says: "the Post Office messed-up the external 'packaging' a little"... Uhhhm... yeah - that's why it's called 'Packaging'. You 'open' it -and you Throw It Out! Also: many or our New Model kits come from Brand-New BIG-BOXED Sets -and components are Opened and packaged up in bubble-packs to send out separately. They (obviously) are Brand-New but have no other 'packaging' but the packages we put them in to ship. Also, even when we do have items in original boxes -they are Made-In-China by GW. They travel 20,000 miles on ships and trucks. So they may have superficial exterior crinkles on a box perhaps. If anyone Needs a minty-fresh 'perfect' Box -Please, please buy it Direct from Games Workshop -Pay $40 for their Top-grade Tracked Shipping. Or, TELL us in advance and Buy Expedited Upgraded Shipping here and we will make it as super-fresh and pretty as Possible! ;D Feedback and Positive experience: We have a GUARANTEED Return Policy if though you bought something else or you change your mind. So: No One can legitimately have any real 'problem'. NO RISK-return-like-it-never-happened. So anyone leaving false bad feedback obviously want to 'create' a non-existent problem. -So: if there is ever Anything you need us to Help with - We are HAPPY to hear from you and do whatever we can. Just WRITE US! ;D

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End Time: 2023-10-19T09:04:49.000Z

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Type: Workbook

Publication Name: Cursed City Items

Author: Games Workshop

Available Variations

Color: Captain Emelda Braskov, Ordo Malleus Inquisitor

Price: 14.87 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 6

Color: Jelsen Darrock, Ordo Hereticus High Inquisitor

Price: 27.89 USD

Available Quantity: 11

Quantity Sold: 10

Color: Glaurio ven Alten II, Ordo Xenos High Inquisitor

Price: 24.95 USD

Available Quantity: 7

Quantity Sold: 6

Color: Dagnai Holdenstock, Kharadron Overlord

Price: 13.87 USD

Available Quantity: 7

Quantity Sold: 6

Color: Cleona Zeitengale, Battle Sisters-of-Silence

Price: 9.87 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: Octren Glimscry, Sanctioned Psyker/Navigator

Price: 8.95 USD

Available Quantity: 7

Quantity Sold: 6

Color: BRUTOGG Corpse-Eater, Ogryn Captain

Price: 14.95 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 5

Color: Qulathis the Exile, Wood Elf/Eldar Mercenary

Price: 16.87 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 3

Color: Radukar the Wolf, Wolf Lord

Price: 17.89 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: VARGSKYR, Vampire Lord/Shapechanger

Price: 47.89 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 3

Color: Gorslav the Gravekeeper, Vampire Lord

Price: 34.87 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 2

Color: VRYKOS Blood-born, Vampire Champion/Assassin

Price: 9.95 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 1

Color: VRYKOS Blood-born, Soulblight Vampire Noble

Price: 8.95 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 2

Color: VRYKOS Blood-born, Soulblight Vampire Warrior

Price: 7.95 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 1

Color: Watch Captain HALGRIM, Undead Skeleton Commander

Price: 19.87 USD

Available Quantity: 8

Quantity Sold: 7

Color: KOSARGI Nightguard, Undead Ogryn Guard Commander

Price: 9.87 USD

Available Quantity: 11

Quantity Sold: 6

Color: KOSARGI Nightguard, Undead Ogryn Bodyguard

Price: 9.87 USD

Available Quantity: 14

Quantity Sold: 9

Color: TORGILLIUS the Chamberlain, Rogue Psyker/Sorceror

Price: 8.79 USD

Available Quantity: 8

Quantity Sold: 8

Color: Ulfenwatch: Skeletal BANNER Bearer w/Spear+Sword

Price: 5.87 USD

Available Quantity: 3

Quantity Sold: 1

Color: Ulfenwatch, CHAMPION/Swordsman

Price: 5.69 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: Ulfenwatch: Warrior w/SWORD

Price: 3.69 USD

Available Quantity: 7

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: Ulfenwatch: Warrior w/SPEAR

Price: 3.95 USD

Available Quantity: 9

Quantity Sold: 5

Color: Single Deadwalker ZOMBIE, w/Gravemarker

Price: 2.97 USD

Available Quantity: 19

Quantity Sold: 14

Color: BAT SWARM: Giant BAT+2 minions

Price: 2.95 USD

Available Quantity: 12

Quantity Sold: 9

Color: BAT SWARM: 5 Large Bats

Price: 2.95 USD

Available Quantity: 15

Quantity Sold: 13

Color: BAT SWARM: 7 medium Bats

Price: 4.95 USD

Available Quantity: 14

Quantity Sold: 14

Color: Corpse Rat Swarm: 15+ RATS

Price: 2.49 USD

Available Quantity: 11

Quantity Sold: 10

Color: Corpse Rat Swarm w/Human Skull

Price: 1.99 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: GIANT Corpse Rat w/Swarm

Price: 1.97 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 3

Color: GNAWBONE Stray, Zombie Cat

Price: 2.87 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 2

Color: DIREGOYLE, Daemonic Imp Familiar

Price: 2.95 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: GRAVESTONE, Terrain/Objective Marker

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 11

Quantity Sold: 7

Color: Hanging SKELETON Terrain/Marker

Price: 6.95 USD

Available Quantity: 11

Quantity Sold: 10

Color: Hooded Skeleton Torso

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 12

Quantity Sold: 8

Color: RAVEN w/Key

Price: 4.79 USD

Available Quantity: 9

Quantity Sold: 6


Price: 19.95 USD

Available Quantity: 8

Quantity Sold: 6




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Dept 56 Snow Village Halloween Cursed Fountain 4020271 - GREAT, NO BOX
Dept 56 Snow Village Halloween Cursed Fountain 4020271 - GREAT, NO BOX


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Dept 56 Cursed Fountain 4020271 Halloween Village- Mint
Dept 56 Cursed Fountain 4020271 Halloween Village- Mint


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Lemax Cursed Cuckoo Haus Spooky Town Halloween Lighted Animated Tested NO CORD
Lemax Cursed Cuckoo Haus Spooky Town Halloween Lighted Animated Tested NO CORD


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Necklace Haloween Spooky Cursed Doll Red Pin and Red Heart Silver Tone 16" chain
Necklace Haloween Spooky Cursed Doll Red Pin and Red Heart Silver Tone 16" chain


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